Almost everywhere you can read or hear the slogan "think positive - see the glass half full"; but, how can you do this if you cannot identify first the half empty side? I have to admit I use it very often, especially when I am sad and try to motivate myself to feel better. The power of self-motivation is a strong tool, that can guide you to reach the peaks (of course, for everyone 'peak' has a different meaning :). Now, talking seriously :P can you say it is a sunrise, if you don't know what sunset means.
I do believe we all try to improve ourselves, to be better in all aspects; but...first, we should know what we have to improve, admit our mistakes, and our weaknesses.
I am not perfect! There...I said it! If I were, I would probably won't be here, surrounded by friends, by family, by enemies, by all the special moments that make me feel and be better, or by all the ones that don't. I couldn't possibly know where I would be. And now I am trying to make a list with all my imperfections, as they cross my mind. Feel free to add yours or your notes!
1. I have no patience in waiting. I hate waiting...for an answer, for a long waiting line, for an action, for a moment! This is why sometimes I urge into things, like a swimmer with his (or hers - we have to be politically correct :) head fronting the watter. Sometimes is good, but many times I can hear my conscience saying it would have been better waiting a little bit, as the outcome could have been greater. My friend Mihaela always quarrels me when she finds out that I passed in front of a waiting line - I always reply "there are moments when you have to get in front of the others". True! But most of the times the final results could have been bigger. So...when the moment for waiting comes, I try to motivate myself in doing something, so that the time passes easily - and I must say that lately I have succeeded in increasing my patience, even for just a little bit :) Curious is that I have no problems when I teach my pupils - guess it is a different type of patience! :D ( didn't know? I teach Spanish to children :)
2. I have the feeling that I want to please everyone! Which I already know it is not possible! There are almost 7 billion people in this world, and who knows how many in other worlds, I cannot please them all! As not everybody is on my taste either! But, sometimes, and most of the times I think people will like me more if I am what they like - which I cannot possibly know! How could you know what everyone likes? Therefore I try to stop, and reconsider this thought, and just be myself! If you like me, then I am happy, I gain a friend! If you don't like me, well...then you have to live with it, as it is not my problem! Am I too drastic now?
3. I am stubborn! I want to do everything all by myself! If I get an idea in my mind...I usually think this is the right one! Which is not necessarily true, as it is very subjective! Sometimes I get the feeling that if I do something all by myself will end up perfect! But, in the couldn't be! 4 eyes can see better than 2, the same as more brains could develop a better thought/project, or an improved one :D! More and more I try to think out-of-the-box, to see the other points of view, and not to enter this vicious I cannot do everything alone, because otherwise, why would the others exist? :D The success should be in correlated and coordinated actions between the team members, and not a one-man show! Of course...depends on the show :P
[the search engine is looking in my inner side... exploring... exploring... exploring...]
Now that you know some of my can you not love me? [hihihi]
...I'll add them as I recognize them...but now I have to night in open theater! :D
5:42 PM | Labels: Personal | 2 Comments
Desculta in iarba
Cand a fost ultima data cand ati mers in picioarele goale prin iarba? Cand a fost ultima data cand ati simtit firicelele verzi de iarba proaspata invaluindu-se printre degetele picioruselor voastre? Cand a fost ultima data cand prospetimea ierbii de dimineata v-a gadilat talpile? Cand a fost ultima data cand freamatul pamantului s-a strecurat in mintea voastra si, sprijinindu-se in talpile voastre, v-a facut cunoscut unul din secretele lui? Cand a fost ultima data cand ati simtit racoarea ierbii?
Eu nu imi amintesc! A trecut prea mult timp!
10:47 PM | Labels: Personal | 6 Comments
La un intelept din vechime, pe numele lui Atreides, au venit, intr-o buna zi, cativa cunoscuti si i-au povestit despre un oarecare Providius,a carui intelepciune parea sa fie nemaiintalnita.
Auzind asta, Atreides a hotarat sa-l cheme pe Providius, pentru a-l pune la incercare, conform obiceiurilor vremii, cand inteleptii se intreceau pentru titlul de cel mai intelept om din lume.
Sigur ca in zilele noastre a devenit aproape imposibil de acordat un astfel de titlu, dar in vechime lucrurile stateau cu totul altfel.
Asa se face ca Providius a acceptat provocarea.
Totusi, pentru ca era foarte batran, Atreides s-a gandit ca ar fi prea obositor sa-si incerce fortele cu Providius in foarte multe probe, care mai de care mai sofisticata.
"E de ajuns o singura proba", i-a spus el indraznetului Providius.
"Pur si simplu, daca reusesti sa faci ceea ce iti voi cere doar prin puterea mintii, voi recunoaste ca esti mai intelept decat mine".
Replica lui Providius nu s-a lasat asteptata.
"O singura incercare mi se pare si mie suficienta."
Voi incerca sa fac ceea ce imi ceri doar prin puterea mintii", a spus el, cerand ca intrecerea sa inceapa imediat.
Obiceiul era ca la astfel de competitii sa asiste batranii locului, care sa depuna marturie pentru castigator.
Cum pe vremea aceea nu existau telefoane, a durat ceva pana au fost gasiti toti batranii, pana au venit in casa lui Atreides, pana s-au asezat in cerc in jurul celor doi competitori si pana li s-au explicat regulile jocului.
Atunci cand toate au fost puse la punct, Atreides i-a spus lui Providius in ce consta incercarea.
"Tu, despre care se spune ca esti mai intelept decat mine, daca vrei sa dovedesti aceasta, atunci determina-ma, doar prin puterea mintii si a cuvantului tau, sa ies din aceasta camera", a spus el si apoi s-a instalat si mai bine intre perne.
Surpriza a fost mare, nu numai pentru Providius, dar si pentru batranii prezenti.
Indiferent de varsta sau de experienta lor, cu totii si-au spus in barbi ca Atreides este, evident, castigatorul, care isi va pastra titlul de cel mai intelept om din lume, pentru ca nu are altceva de facut decat sa stea intre perne, indiferent ce ii va spune Providius.
Cu toate astea, Providius nu s-a dat batut.
A stat multa vreme pe ganduri, dupa care i-a spus lui Atreides:
"Sub nici o forma nu voi putea sa te determin sa iesi din aceasta incapere, doar prin puterea mintii mele.
Totusi, daca ai fi dispus sa accepti propunerea mea, cred ca stiu un mod de a te determina sa intri in aceasta incapere.
Incitat, Atreides a acceptat provocarea si a iesit in curte, asteptand sa vada ce va face Providius pentru a-l determina sa intre inapoi.
Gurile rele spun ca in clipa imediat urmatoare, cand a inteles ce s-a intamplat, lui Atreides i s-au muiat picioarele si a inceput sa respire neregulat.
"Am castigat, Atreides, a spus Providius, pentru ca mi-ai cerut ca prin puterea mintii mele sa te fac sa iesi din incapere, iar acum, asa cum poate vedea oricine, te afli afara".
12:12 AM | Labels: Out of the box | 1 Comments
I am here to stay!
I have just realized that I was getting it all wrong - a blog is not only for writing when you have nothing else to do, or you are bored - because it won't be quality time spent. If this is the reason to write then I'd better stop blogging and start reading a book, learning something new. In a blog you should have everything you consider important: thoughts, ideas, creations, feelings, emotions, pictures, portraits, stories, novels... A few time ago I considered writing blogs a total waste of time - not from the commercial point of view...which is good for companies' marketing - but from the personal side - I couldn't understand why people would like to waste their time writing stuff that will not bring them money. I begun writing because it is fashionable to have a blog, all you can hear on your right or on your left is this - my friends have blogs and albums on their websites, so why shouldn't have I. Even the title I chose states it. But now, changing my perspective, and, as a blogger myself, I can see from a different angle, better understand the blog language and why I have really started this blog - It is not everything about money! I don't know yet where it will lead me, but I am here to stay!
8:04 PM | Labels: Personal | 1 Comments