Leadership with Jim Bagnola

About two weeks ago, my colleagues (and friends) and I went to a two-day conference and training session with Jim Bagnola. Famous in this area, Jim is an ispiration to all of us, and we have many things to learn from. He pointed out a couple of things I already knew, others that I knew them but didn't know I actually knew them, and some new things to remember later :)

So..I want to share them as sharing is everything. Below you can find some key ideas that first came into my mind. I have also added the key ideas Denisa and Diana remebered first, as we should improve ourselfs together.


Personally, I remember most the window-mirror message, upon which Jim commented upon: look through the window to share the success with your team and look at yourself in the mirror to learn from your mistakes. Also, another thing I like very much is practice your public speaking and don’t be afraid to do something if is different and nobody else is doing that. But, none of these are relevant for us, no matter if we have the knowledge to do them, unless we understand their meaning and put them into action. With the risk of looking stupid, but not beeing one, I must not be afraid to ask questions.

Another interesting idea is the "eggs and ham" storry: the ckichen is providing the egs, therefore is just involved, while the pig is committed in this action, by providing the ham.

Here is what Denisa says:

A couple of ideas that I most enjoyed hearing and which I will help develop along in my life and career:
- If you want to change the world, change yourself. To put it in other words, change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
- The definition of Leader – “a professional human being” who inspires and motivates people around him, a person who gives his followers the power, the freedom to realize their potential.
- And definitely I enjoyed very much all the interactive fun exercises and test which were more than just a game, very educative which hopefully we can “play” all together here as well.

And here is what Diana says:

For the past two days I received confirmations. No reaction can be neutral, no one is purely objective, but the objects. People can only be led, only things can be managed.
All of these confirmations make a difference; all the questions asked create the bigger picture, the adaptability of the information received in everyday life.
I had the honour to breathe the same air with people who breathe visions into gigantic masses of followers.
35.000 books on leadership should be enough source of information to anyone...and a confusing experience. Walking the talk with Jim Bagnola and the crew can, and will spare me some years of trial and failure on my way to the future...
I left that room with more than 10 ideas that I will use, and I will share them soon with you.
First thing that has sprung to my mind, after a two days’ time of metabolizing this huge amount of information, is that I would like to find a way to obtain that appreciation in my work that gives one the impression that one is earning a living, not a dying.

Now, we all should take them into consideration, and learn from them, and every day we should learn something new! So that one day we can became leaders in the true sense of the word.

Everyone can be a leader, and this 'job' is tough not born with it! And, every area is of interest no matter what, and we have to find the one in which we have most skills to be leaders! A mother can be a leader for her kids, a coach can be a leader for his athleets; it doesn't matter what you do, it matters that you do it right! it matters that you like it, and it matters that when leading, you lead not manage!

If you would like to find out more about leadership in Romania, you can visit: http://www.leadershipcenter.ro/lmvlr/