Survive outdoors

The North Face advertising campaign

Problem: How can you advertise in retail stores that have no advertising space because of housing thousands of competitive products?

Solution: Package rocks, twigs and leaves as retail products and place them in the store space available - the product racks and shelves! These items showed customers that unless you buy the The North Face gear, you'll have to depend on these to survive outdoors.

Results: Customers were instantly drawn to the merchandise. (Some even wanted to buy them?!) Better still, purchase of the The North Face products increased by 38%. Not bad for a campaign built on twigs, leaves and stones.

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Manila, Philippines


You cannot fight someone who doesn't fear you!

The Americans wanted to attack Iraq:

Americans: We are going to attack you!
Iraqis: Ok!
Americans: Hey, listen, I said we are going to attack you!
Iraqis: Ok! come!
Americans: You are not afraid? We said we are going to invade Iraq!
Iraqis: You want to invade Iraq? ok! come!
Americans: Are you stupid? We said we are going to attack you, to invade Iraq and to kill you!
Iraqis: You want to kill me? You want to kill me?!?! I kill me! Then I kill you too!

You cannot fight someone who does not fear you!

And this applies also to all day life - stay cool! stay chill! stay relaxed!

Beck International Scam sau pe romaneste Pacaleala...

[Pentru potentiali amatori ai acestor excursii]

Acum vreo saptamana am auzit de o super oferta: excursie la Bran cu autocarul, pe gratis, cu conditia sa participi la niste prezentari comerciale, si in plus primesti si un cupon de 100 EUR care sa il folosesti pentru a cumpara in timpul prezentarilor comerciale, produsele ramanand ale tale.

Foarte tentant, nu? Numai ca apareau niste semne de intrebare: cine e compania? are site? de unde putem afla mai multe? Simplu: au un numar de telefon pe fluturasul de prezentare. Ok...bun, dar pana la urma oricine poate sa fie la capatul firului. Si atunci, daca ne suim in autocar, mai stim cand ne dam jos? si mai ales unde ne dam jos?

Asa ca am facut ce fac de obicei cand vreau sa aflu mai multe despre un anumit subiect: apelez la enciclopedia virtuala: googling it :-)

Am cautat dupa cuvantul "beck".

Am gasit: care la primele cercetari parea sa fie exact compania care oferea excursia la Bran, si nu numai la Bran.

Am inceput sa caut mai asiduu pe google si am dat peste urmatoarele linkuri:

5 pareri negative pentru mine sunt suficiente pentru sa ma convinga ca aceste excursii nu ofera chiar ceea ce promit. Pana la urma, nimeni nu iti da asa lucruri frumoase pe gratis. Dar, bineinteles, cine vrea sa se fie sigur 100% poate sa participe in aceste excursii si sa imi spuna si mie daca cei 5 de sus mint.

Si, apropo, site-ul, precum si site-urile locale traduse, apartin aceluiasi trust...ceva ma face totusi sa ma gandesc de doua ori inainte de folosi aceasta companie, pentru turism sau orice alt serviciu.

We have only one life!

"Happiness increased directly proportional with acceptance and inversely proportional with the expectations" – this is what Michael J Fox said yesterday night, at Oprah show in a Romanian TV channel. And he is most right!

Paste Fericit!

La Pasti

Astazi in sufragerie,
Dormitau pe o farfurie,
Necajite si manjite,
Zece oua inrosite.
Un ou alb, abia ouat,
Cu mirare, le-a-ntrebat:
Ce va este, fratioare,
Ce va doare?
Nu va ninge, nu va ploua,
Stati gatite-n haina noua,
Parca, Dumnezeu ma ierte,
N-ati fi oua.
...Suntem fierte!
Zise-un ou rotund si fraise
Linga pasca de orez.
Si schimbindu-si brusc alura,
Toate-au inceput cu gura:
-Pin la urma tot nu scap!
-Ne gateste de parada.
-Ne ciocneste cap in cap
Si ne zvirle coaja-n strada..
-Ce rusine!
-Ce dezastru!
-Preferam sa fiu omlet!
-Eu, de m-ar fi dat la closca,
As fi scos un pui albastru..
-Si eu, unul violet.
-Eu, mai bine ar fi sa tac:
Asa galben cum sunt, ca-mi vine
Sa-mi inchipui ca pe mine
M-a ouat un cozonac!

G. Toparceanu

Is it a sign?

I just find out this morning that my street's postal code is 66666. it was written on the electricity bill :) What does this mean? Does this mean i am going to have a biometric passport? or was that just another bill that needs to be paid...

I think is just a number - we decide what to do, have or pay!