Sambata eram la nu-mai-stiu-cata urcare cu telescaunul din Predeal. Urcam singura de data despartit fiindca nu avea tigari. M-am delectat cu poze pe partie, la partie, cu oameni, cu m-am hotarat sa mai fac o urcare, fiindca sus privelistea e mai clara si mintea e mai limpede.
Urcam...langa mine doi tipi, skiori si ei, cu echipament destul de rasarit cat sa atraga privirile celorlati, priviri care sa se lase cucerite...Urcam...pilonii treceau, rand pe rand. Cel de langa mine da un telefon. "Ce faci draga? te-ai trezit? (continuand pe acelasi ton flegmatic) dormit bine?...da, eu sunt pe partie...vezi daca nu ai vrut sa vii cu lasa ca te adormit imediat ce am ajuns...tu? ai ajuns bine aseara? stii ca e superb aici...pacat ca nu ai vrut sa vii...cine se aude?..ahh..e verisoara ta?...vara ta? da! pai sa ii fac cunostiinta cu un prieten de-al meu..." in timp ce amandoi ascultau convorbirea cu Draga. Au eu am continuat gandurile mele...incercam sa deduc ceea ce raspundea Draga, sa aflu cat mai multe despre povestea lor.
Urcam...copacii incarcati treceau pe langa mine, pana s-au terminat. "Am ajuns sus! trebuie sa inchid, ai grija de tine". Observ ca rareori plec urechea la ceea ce discuta strainii din jurul meu - doar atunci cand mi se pare ceva familiar. Semi-conversatia mi-a adus aminte de un prieten...are acelasi ton flegmatic...cand vrea.
Ce faci draga?
1:00 AM | Labels: Let's talk, Personal | 0 Comments
Batranul de la opera
Azi am fost la opera. Spectacol aniversar Nicolae Herlea! Toata stima si respectul pentru dl. Herlea - este exceptional. Felicitari pentru intreaga sa cariera si pentru primaverile implinite. De spectacol in sine - nu vreau sa intru in detalii - a fost altceva decat o opera clasica, a fost altceva decat la ce ma asteptam! Fiecare cu parerile lui...
Am intrat in loja - loja de 3 persoane - un batran statea pe al 4lea scaun. Buna seara! nu s-a deranjat. Sunteti singur? DA. Nu s-a deranjat. Nu am avut curajul sa ii spun - stiti loja este de 3 persoane! Aveti bilet in loja 3? Este mai invarsta decat parintii mei, dar mai tanar decat bunica mea! Si totusi, ea este o doamna pe langa el! M-am gandit ca e in e in ar trebui sa il las in pace. Si totusi am continuat sa ma gandesc ca nu am avut curaj sa zic ceva...sunetele melodioasei uverturi m-au relaxat...dar pana la trebuie sa ne influenteze varsta persoanelor, nici chiar sexul - nu conteaza daca sunt tinere sau batrane, femei sau barbati, copii sau batrani - conteaza cum ne comportam, ceea ce facem, ce alegem. Pana la urma suntem definiti de deciziile pe care le facem zilnic, ora de ora, minut de minut. Traim intr-o conjuctura, pe care incercam sa o dezvoltam, si din care incercam sa profitam de ocaziile care apar: un dram de noroc, cunostiintele noastre, abilitatile noastre, persoanele potrivite la momentul potrivit, relatiile pe care le facem. Si trebuie sa profitam cat mai mult de ceea ce ni se ofera!
Gather ye rose-buds while ye may;
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorrow will be dying.
~Robert Herrick
12:12 AM | Labels: Let's talk, Out of the box | 0 Comments
Citesc, deci exist
Aproape in fiecare zi ma gandesc la ce sa scriu, ce ar fi interesant de spus, ce ar merita ultimul timp parca mi-a fost lene; au venit sarbatorile - vreme de relaxare, de reunire cu familia, cu prietenii, un prilej in plus pentru a face cadouri, de a manca lucruri alese si traditionale; un prilej anual pentru a impodobi bradul de Craciun! Ce placut!
In ultimul timp ajung mereu la aceeasi ce mai citesc? de ce carte sa ma apuc acum? trebuie sa recunosc ca am inceput mai multe carti - beletristica, management, comunicare care inca nu le-am terminat - si de fiecare data mi-ar fi placut sa am un mic hard disk instalat, sa introduc pur si simplu CD-ul cartii, si sa incarc informatia in centrul memoriei...ce simplu ar nu mai petrecem atata timp citind si invatand...doar sa apasam pe un buton si gata! suntem mai destepti cu cativa kb! La fel ca in Matrix - acum descarcam programul de kung fu! Come here baby! multe carti trecute pe lista - o lista nescrisa de care imi aduc aminte din cand in cand si pe care o mai uit uneori - carti care se gasesc in biblioteca mea si pe care trebuie sa le caut printre celelalte sute de carti prafuite, carti pe care trebuie sa le cumpar, carti pe care o sa le imprumut! Parca atunci cand cumperi sau imprumuti o carte ai mai mult spor la citit...stii ca ai dat un ban, ca trebuie sa o dai inapoi, ca ai depus un efort in plus pentru a o gasi...
Am inceput sa am cateva bloguri pe care le citesc citesc chiar tot din ele..doar ceea ce imi atrage mai mult privirea si imi place ca o parte din aceste randuri ma determina sa adaug si mai multe carti pe lista...o sa incep sa cred ca nu o sa imi ajunga timpul de-o viata sa citesc tot...asa ca o sa ma grabesc un pic - festina lente, bineinteles ;)
5:02 PM | Labels: Personal | 0 Comments
Muzica de calitate!
Aseara am fost la un concert mai special. Kitty Solaris a cantat in Orange concept store. Nu stiam cine e Kitty, nu stiam ce canta. Stiam de concert da la un prieten si stiam ca vreau sa merg sa vad, si nu numai atat... Nu pot sa zic decat ca mi-a placut de la prima melodie si ca m-a captivat de la a doua.
A cantat impreuna cu colegul ei, ea la chitara si voce, el la intrumente de percutie. In timp ce ascultam mi-am adus aminte de multe lucruri si m-am gandit la suficiente. Tobele si talgelerele mi-au adus aminte de noptile de la Neptun, cand eram mica mica si ma plimbam cu parintii prin centrul statiunii si la terase cantau formatii live. Toata lumea era relaxata la mese, bea vin si glumea in abianta melodioasa. Am constientizat ca dintotdeauna m-au atras instrumentele de percutie. Trebuie sa marturisesc ca in materie de muzica nu prea ma pricep - recunosc stiluri si imi plac melodii, dar mai multe nu :"> Asa ca m-am decis sa ma culturalizez si sa invat sa bat si toba!
Ma gandeam ce inseamna sa canti live! Este destul de solicitant...poate din cauza asta la noi nu prea sunt multe persoane care sa cante live mai mult de o ora in continuu...ce sa zic...din noua generatie nu prea sunt persoane care sa cante live o melodie...dar nu sunt eu cea care sa judece acum...daca melodia e simptica si daca mai ajunge si la suflet mai treci cu vederea uneori...
Muzica de calitate! Asta am ascultat aseara! Mi-a parut rau ca nu a durat mai mult. Spre sfarsit m-a captivat de tot fiindca nu ma mai gandeam decat la muzica! Data viitoare cand merg la un concert am sa ma las mai mult captivata de muzica decat de gandurile mele si de ceea ce e in jur... :)
4:35 PM | Labels: Fun, Out of the box, Personal | 0 Comments
Cu zece mii nu mai cumperi nimik...
Sa vedeti afaceristii din ziua de azi....Am fost mai devreme sa imi spal masina..era cam nu imi mai placea de mers la o spalatorie pe Fundeni...50mii vechi exteriorul...ieftin...comparabil cu dublul pe la alte spalatorii :) am asteptat sa o clateasca, sa o sapuneasca, sa o clateasca pe urma sa o stearga de apa....a durat cam 20 inghetasem...m-am gandit sa ii dau un mic asa e frumos..10mii...suficient pentru cat costa spalatul si pentru munca depusa...s-a uitat la ei cu o privire superioara..."mersi...da' nu mai faci nimik cu 10mii in ziua de azi..." eu perplexa ii zic " ici de colo.."...."" Hmmm..astepta oare sa ma simt prost si sa ii dau mai mult? M-am razgandit! Nu i-am dat mai dat nimik in fond a refuzat banii...intrebarea refuza si munca vreodata? El stie...
3:52 PM | Labels: Let's talk | 2 Comments
Tenis '08
Duminica trecuta am participat la competitia de bowling organizata de Nu m-am inscris de la inceput la concurs dar am avut noroc si pana la urma am participat in prima etapa.
Talentele mele 'popicaresti' mi-au adus bine-meritatul loc 4. Dar asta nu a contat prea mult; m-am distrat si am facut putina miscare, si am cunoscut noi persoane. As cauta scuze pentru ca nu am trecut in etapa 2, si una din aceste scuze ar fi ca eram doua fete si doi baieti. Baietii fiind mai puternici, si evident mult mai initiati decat noi, au castigat; si doar doua persoane merg mai departe. Dar nu vreau scuze! Multa bafta Vladimir si Daniel! Ati fost mai buni! :) Va tin pumnii si vin sa va fac galerie in finala :) Iar la urmatorul concurs din 2008 am sa fiu prezenta!
Intretimp, m-am tot gandit la o competite de bowling feminina. Sansele ar fi mult mai egale! Dar...totusi distractia nu ar fi asa de lipsi baietii...adik cei pe care am putea sa-i tachinam un pic atunci cand gresesc..ei la randul lor tachinandu-ne pe noi. Intr-un cuvant, ar lipsi spiritul competitiei adevarate hehehe!
Asa ca m-am decis sa fac ceea ce stiu mai bine...adik sa organizez o competitie de tenis, fiindca eu chiar ma nu as vrea sa pierd din nou :-P Cu alte cuvinte, chiar ma pricep sa organizez evenimente si imi face placere. Tenisul il practic de mica, am participat la competitii oficiale, si acum cred ca mi-a intrat in fel ca si cu sporturile de iarna, dar nu dezvolt acum mai mult ca s-ar putea sa nu ma mai opresc! Stergeti-va rachetele de praf, arcuiti-va racordajele, slefuiti-va mingiile, faceti un pic de joc de glezne, si doua ture de teren: in 2008 o sa avem un campionat de tenis!
Concursul este dedicat tuturor celor care vor sa isi incerce fortele pe terenul de tenis, sa faca un pic mai multa miscare, sigur febra musculara, si sa cunoasca noi parteneri de joc...
Am facut un mic chestionar, ca sa vad cam ce va doriti si cum v-ar placea sa jucati. Mie personal mi-ar placea ori o competite de dublu mixt ori de simplu mixt. Completati-l! Este disponibil pana pe 1 Martie. Inscrierile in concurs se vor face cel mai probabil pana in Aprilie, pentru ca pana la 1 Mai sa stim care este tabela de joc! Si..daca timpul tine cu incepem sa jucam! Acum stiti planul si cum mai sunt suficiente zile pana la primul serviciu, am sa adaug pana atunci si regulamentul concursului.
9:51 PM | Labels: Tenis '08 | 2 Comments
Nu doresc!
Vin sarbatorile si poate si zile de din ce in ce mai mult este la moda sa scrii ceea ce iti doresti, sau sa faci un bilant intre ani...dar eu stiu sigur ceea ce nu doresc!
Nu doresc sa uit ceea ce aveam de zis inainte de a incepe! Mereu ma fura alte idei, care se imbina una cu alta, generand in altele si mai complexe, iar prima zboara foarte usor.
Nu doresc sa cad in ingnoranta, sa nu ma mai intereseze nimik decat persoana mea! E bine sa fii egoist doar atunci cand trebuie! Nu doresc sa ajung parsiva!
Nu imi doresc o rochie neagra! Chiar daca e clasica, nu pot sa o imbrac! Ma simt prea inchisa!
Nu doresc sa nu ma dedic lucrurilor care incerc sa le descurc. Uneori nu e suficient sa te implici! Trebuie sa iti placa ceea ce faci in primul rand! Nu doresc sa incep multe si sa le las neterminate!
Nu doresc sa mai aud tonul vocii de la ora 10 fara un sfert la Revista presei la Antena 3. Simt cum imi creste nivelul stresului de pe sira spinarii pana la creier! Poate daca ar fi fost altfel...poate atunci nu ar mai fi fost deloc emisiunea...
Nu doresc sa nu imi mai fac timp pentru mine, pentru ceea ce imi place. Nu am fost vreodata intr-un loc doar pentru a ma juca cu aparatul foto si a ma chinui talentul :)! Nu am mai fost in drumetii de mult timp! Nu am fost inca in delta! Nu am ajuns inca in nordul Moldovei, in Maramures sau Oas! Nu am ajuns inca la Cazane, la Timisoara sau la ski la Straja!
Nu vreau sa ma mai uit la televizor si sa nu mai citesc! Nu doresc sa ma mai uit la filme de duzina doar pentru a trece timpul mai repede!
NU vreau sa ma inchid in mine si sa nu mai iubesc!
Nu doresc sa nu mai fac sport! Sa nu mai inot! Sa nu mai joc tenis! Sa nu mai skiez! Sa nu mai merg pe bicicleta!
Nu doresc sa fiu blonda! Nu mi-ar sta bine!
Nu vreau sa nu mai calatoresc, sa nu mai cunosc oameni si orase, locuri si privelisti! Vreau sa ma plimb cu balonul!
Vreau sanatate si putere de munca! Restul vin de la sine!
Nu vreau sa mai astept sa mi se ofere inainte de a oferi eu, de teama sa nu sufar!
Nu vreau sa imi mai fie teama de lucrurile pe care nu pot sa le impiedic! De acel drob de sare care poate cade, poate nu cade! Chiar daca teama te tine alert...
Nu vreau zile ploioase de toamna fara soare!
Nu vreau sa traiesc intr-un loc unde nu este zapada niciodata!
Mi-ar placea sa am un laptop, un mp3 player, un ceas, sau un telefon nou, dar nu vreau sa fiu dependenta de ele.
Vreau sa merg in picioarele goale prin iarba plina de roua!
Vreau sa ma joc mai mult cu cainele meu! Vreau sa petrec cat mai mult timp cu bunica mea!
Nu vreau sa nu ma dezvolt, sa raman unde sunt acum, nun vreau sa ma plafonez...vreau sa cresc, un pic in fiecare zi!
Vreau sa traiesc!
Nu vreau ca acest text sa ramana doar niste fraze de pe un link!
Nu vreau sa uit sa mai spun "Nu" din cand in cand!
Nu vreau sa am vise fara a face nimik pentru a le cobora in realitate.
Nu vreau sa mai am cosmaruri cu ursi.
Am sa...
10:38 PM | Labels: Out of the box, Personal | 4 Comments
Inca ma gandesc...
Inca ma gandesc...e bine..inseamna ca imi functioneaza conexiunile intracraniene...asa..ziceam ca inca ma gandesc la blog si la website personal, la blog in limba romana, si la blog in limba engleza...
Trebuie sa iau o decizie! dar ceea ce imi place e ca sunt din ce in ce mai motivata sa scriu! cred ca e din cauza concurentei! Concurenta - la cine va ganditi? eu ma refer la prietenii mei care au blog, si scriu constant! O sa ajungem sa iesim in oras si sa intrebam: "si ce ati mai facut?"...primind raspunsul "citeste pe blog, uite-l aici pe telefonul mobil conectat prin wap"...mai grav o sa fie cand o sa 'iesim' in oras, fiecare la el acasa, cu webcamul instalat, si cu berea/ceaiul/limonada-cu-apa-plata pe masa, cu tastatura in fata! "cum merge treaba?"...."pai stau sa iti dau link!". O voce din fundal sa zica "hai la masa"...." acum stai sa postez ceva".
Cam cu asta glumeam aseara la o limonada cu cativa prieteni!
1:08 PM | Labels: Fun, Out of the box, Personal | 3 Comments
Pastreaza-te in Echilibru
Victor Si-Atat has made a very nice compilation, which you can listen here:
I personally like the 6th and 7th songs. Ahh..and by the have to know before you listen...this is not HOUSE! I say!
How do I know Victor - we met yesterday, through a common friend! Now we are friends!
4:14 PM | Labels: Fun, Out of the box, Personal | 0 Comments
Pai vezi! (see!)
The other day I went to buy Christmas presents for our partners. Well…for those of you who drive in Bucharest there is no need to explain the traffic at 10 am in Universtitatii square in a rainy day. Still I have to say that I wondered in circles for 20 minutes for a parking spot. Finally I found one….oh!….and it was so large and empty, just waiting for me near Capsa Hotel. Like a pretty lady driving a car…I started parking! Then the porter comes, with his nice porter clothes and his nice porter umbrella. “Excuse me, why are you parking here?” Upsss I though! What shall I do now…“Errhhh…well you see…I have to…hmmm...pick up somebody from the hotel!” “Ahh..ok..then, please park!” and he was curiously looking at me from under the red umbrella. ‘Damn! What next! If I park here I have to go in the hotel….if I don’t go in the hotel…what if he scratches my car :-s what if he does something to my tires! Damn!’ Smiling nicely at him I decided to be honest! And it was St. Nicholas! “well…you see…I lied…I was actually looking only for the parking spot! Have a nice day!:)”..still hoping to hear from him…”ok Miss…if you don’t stay long you can park here”…but instead he took the serious look and only said “Pai vezi!” ..hmmm "see what? I certainly can't see an empty parking spot!"
I don’t know what he actually meant! But he definitely was not in the holiday’s spirit! In the end I found a parking spot, and went shopping!
9:39 PM | Labels: Fun, Personal | 0 Comments
google it!
It is amazing what you can find on Internet. It is an open book, and open encyclopedia. You want to know more about one person, one subject, one story,..., well the slang goes to "google it". And why, because Google is one of the most used search engines. But let's not make advertising out of it.
And when you think that not so many many years ago people were skeptical about it! Now is part of our lives, and many will say they cannot live without it.
You can find anything on Internet. And when I say anything, I mean it! Good or bad, nice or ugly, sad or happy, it doesn't matter. It is there! You already know this!
The question goes like this: "are you sure you want to find out more? can you handle it?"
12:29 PM | Labels: Let's talk, Personal | 0 Comments
The eyes are the mirror of the soul!
I admire people that from the emotional point of view are on top of the situation no matter what. Of course, I admire those that are always prepared to new and unforseen cases, and adapt to them. Nowadays, in this fast-forward life, you have to adapt to changes every day. And...the best way to adapt is to be the change! (but let's not get into detail right now).
Today was the last day of Catalina Dodu - Director of Product Management in BitDefender. She has been working for more than 7 years in BD - it was an experience and life for her. We made her a surprise party - buying cookies, flowers and a goodbye gift. She didn't knew about it at all and was invited in the meeting room. We were all there - people with whom Catalina worked. Of course, it was a big surprise for Catalina and she managed to keep her calm all the way. She gave a very nice speech, thanking and kissing everybody. Still, looking at her eyes I could see how emotional she was on the inside. Somebody else would have probably cried in tears for the surprise :)
I believe it is a proof a great EQ to remain calm in demanding situations and not loose yourself to emotions, not being able to think at all. I admire Catalina!
6:44 PM | Labels: Let's talk, Personal | 1 Comments
We should all be artists...
“Being an artist means ceasing to take seriously that very serious person we are when we are not an artist.” Jose Ortega y Gasset
We should all be least once in while. Is fun!
4:55 PM | Labels: Let's talk, Out of the box, Personal | 0 Comments
What you say is how you look!
Last week I've been to the BizDays event, here in Bucharest - one day of conferences on marketing and sales subjects. Very interesting presentations from which you can get some ideas abouth what others are doing in terms of business. Apart from being a learning event, it is also a socializing event.
But this is not what I want to say here. What draw my attention is that at one of the conferences one of the presenters started to call names to a previous presenter. As I understood, those two companies were actually competing, on the same market, but this doen't give the right to call names in public, especially if like this you are trying to promote your company and yourself! Seen from the audience it actually looked very ugly. And the most important, it doesn't look professionally at all!
2:01 PM | Labels: Let's talk, Personal | 0 Comments
Leadership with Jim Bagnola
About two weeks ago, my colleagues (and friends) and I went to a two-day conference and training session with Jim Bagnola. Famous in this area, Jim is an ispiration to all of us, and we have many things to learn from. He pointed out a couple of things I already knew, others that I knew them but didn't know I actually knew them, and some new things to remember later :)
So..I want to share them as sharing is everything. Below you can find some key ideas that first came into my mind. I have also added the key ideas Denisa and Diana remebered first, as we should improve ourselfs together.
Personally, I remember most the window-mirror message, upon which Jim commented upon: look through the window to share the success with your team and look at yourself in the mirror to learn from your mistakes. Also, another thing I like very much is practice your public speaking and don’t be afraid to do something if is different and nobody else is doing that. But, none of these are relevant for us, no matter if we have the knowledge to do them, unless we understand their meaning and put them into action. With the risk of looking stupid, but not beeing one, I must not be afraid to ask questions.
Another interesting idea is the "eggs and ham" storry: the ckichen is providing the egs, therefore is just involved, while the pig is committed in this action, by providing the ham.
Here is what Denisa says:
A couple of ideas that I most enjoyed hearing and which I will help develop along in my life and career:
- If you want to change the world, change yourself. To put it in other words, change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
- The definition of Leader – “a professional human being” who inspires and motivates people around him, a person who gives his followers the power, the freedom to realize their potential.
- And definitely I enjoyed very much all the interactive fun exercises and test which were more than just a game, very educative which hopefully we can “play” all together here as well.
And here is what Diana says:
For the past two days I received confirmations. No reaction can be neutral, no one is purely objective, but the objects. People can only be led, only things can be managed.
All of these confirmations make a difference; all the questions asked create the bigger picture, the adaptability of the information received in everyday life.
I had the honour to breathe the same air with people who breathe visions into gigantic masses of followers.
35.000 books on leadership should be enough source of information to anyone...and a confusing experience. Walking the talk with Jim Bagnola and the crew can, and will spare me some years of trial and failure on my way to the future...
I left that room with more than 10 ideas that I will use, and I will share them soon with you.
First thing that has sprung to my mind, after a two days’ time of metabolizing this huge amount of information, is that I would like to find a way to obtain that appreciation in my work that gives one the impression that one is earning a living, not a dying.
Now, we all should take them into consideration, and learn from them, and every day we should learn something new! So that one day we can became leaders in the true sense of the word.
Everyone can be a leader, and this 'job' is tough not born with it! And, every area is of interest no matter what, and we have to find the one in which we have most skills to be leaders! A mother can be a leader for her kids, a coach can be a leader for his athleets; it doesn't matter what you do, it matters that you do it right! it matters that you like it, and it matters that when leading, you lead not manage!
If you would like to find out more about leadership in Romania, you can visit:
2:53 PM | Labels: Fun, Let's talk, Out of the box, Personal |
La multi ani, Bucuresti!
Today we celebrate 548 years since Bucharest was first legally considered a city. People were invited today to plant trees that will last for hundreds of years from now. I like this city, is my home town also, it is dirty, it is clean, it is noisy, it is old, it is new, it is gray, and it is bright, it has history, it has homeless dogs and homeless people, it has traffic jam, but it is mine. Happy Birthday Bucharest!
Here you can see Bucharest in it's old times.
Here you can see Bucharest in old winter times.
9:03 PM | Labels: Personal | 0 Comments
Almost everywhere you can read or hear the slogan "think positive - see the glass half full"; but, how can you do this if you cannot identify first the half empty side? I have to admit I use it very often, especially when I am sad and try to motivate myself to feel better. The power of self-motivation is a strong tool, that can guide you to reach the peaks (of course, for everyone 'peak' has a different meaning :). Now, talking seriously :P can you say it is a sunrise, if you don't know what sunset means.
I do believe we all try to improve ourselves, to be better in all aspects; but...first, we should know what we have to improve, admit our mistakes, and our weaknesses.
I am not perfect! There...I said it! If I were, I would probably won't be here, surrounded by friends, by family, by enemies, by all the special moments that make me feel and be better, or by all the ones that don't. I couldn't possibly know where I would be. And now I am trying to make a list with all my imperfections, as they cross my mind. Feel free to add yours or your notes!
1. I have no patience in waiting. I hate waiting...for an answer, for a long waiting line, for an action, for a moment! This is why sometimes I urge into things, like a swimmer with his (or hers - we have to be politically correct :) head fronting the watter. Sometimes is good, but many times I can hear my conscience saying it would have been better waiting a little bit, as the outcome could have been greater. My friend Mihaela always quarrels me when she finds out that I passed in front of a waiting line - I always reply "there are moments when you have to get in front of the others". True! But most of the times the final results could have been bigger. So...when the moment for waiting comes, I try to motivate myself in doing something, so that the time passes easily - and I must say that lately I have succeeded in increasing my patience, even for just a little bit :) Curious is that I have no problems when I teach my pupils - guess it is a different type of patience! :D ( didn't know? I teach Spanish to children :)
2. I have the feeling that I want to please everyone! Which I already know it is not possible! There are almost 7 billion people in this world, and who knows how many in other worlds, I cannot please them all! As not everybody is on my taste either! But, sometimes, and most of the times I think people will like me more if I am what they like - which I cannot possibly know! How could you know what everyone likes? Therefore I try to stop, and reconsider this thought, and just be myself! If you like me, then I am happy, I gain a friend! If you don't like me, well...then you have to live with it, as it is not my problem! Am I too drastic now?
3. I am stubborn! I want to do everything all by myself! If I get an idea in my mind...I usually think this is the right one! Which is not necessarily true, as it is very subjective! Sometimes I get the feeling that if I do something all by myself will end up perfect! But, in the couldn't be! 4 eyes can see better than 2, the same as more brains could develop a better thought/project, or an improved one :D! More and more I try to think out-of-the-box, to see the other points of view, and not to enter this vicious I cannot do everything alone, because otherwise, why would the others exist? :D The success should be in correlated and coordinated actions between the team members, and not a one-man show! Of course...depends on the show :P
[the search engine is looking in my inner side... exploring... exploring... exploring...]
Now that you know some of my can you not love me? [hihihi]
...I'll add them as I recognize them...but now I have to night in open theater! :D
5:42 PM | Labels: Personal | 2 Comments
Desculta in iarba
Cand a fost ultima data cand ati mers in picioarele goale prin iarba? Cand a fost ultima data cand ati simtit firicelele verzi de iarba proaspata invaluindu-se printre degetele picioruselor voastre? Cand a fost ultima data cand prospetimea ierbii de dimineata v-a gadilat talpile? Cand a fost ultima data cand freamatul pamantului s-a strecurat in mintea voastra si, sprijinindu-se in talpile voastre, v-a facut cunoscut unul din secretele lui? Cand a fost ultima data cand ati simtit racoarea ierbii?
Eu nu imi amintesc! A trecut prea mult timp!
10:47 PM | Labels: Personal | 6 Comments
La un intelept din vechime, pe numele lui Atreides, au venit, intr-o buna zi, cativa cunoscuti si i-au povestit despre un oarecare Providius,a carui intelepciune parea sa fie nemaiintalnita.
Auzind asta, Atreides a hotarat sa-l cheme pe Providius, pentru a-l pune la incercare, conform obiceiurilor vremii, cand inteleptii se intreceau pentru titlul de cel mai intelept om din lume.
Sigur ca in zilele noastre a devenit aproape imposibil de acordat un astfel de titlu, dar in vechime lucrurile stateau cu totul altfel.
Asa se face ca Providius a acceptat provocarea.
Totusi, pentru ca era foarte batran, Atreides s-a gandit ca ar fi prea obositor sa-si incerce fortele cu Providius in foarte multe probe, care mai de care mai sofisticata.
"E de ajuns o singura proba", i-a spus el indraznetului Providius.
"Pur si simplu, daca reusesti sa faci ceea ce iti voi cere doar prin puterea mintii, voi recunoaste ca esti mai intelept decat mine".
Replica lui Providius nu s-a lasat asteptata.
"O singura incercare mi se pare si mie suficienta."
Voi incerca sa fac ceea ce imi ceri doar prin puterea mintii", a spus el, cerand ca intrecerea sa inceapa imediat.
Obiceiul era ca la astfel de competitii sa asiste batranii locului, care sa depuna marturie pentru castigator.
Cum pe vremea aceea nu existau telefoane, a durat ceva pana au fost gasiti toti batranii, pana au venit in casa lui Atreides, pana s-au asezat in cerc in jurul celor doi competitori si pana li s-au explicat regulile jocului.
Atunci cand toate au fost puse la punct, Atreides i-a spus lui Providius in ce consta incercarea.
"Tu, despre care se spune ca esti mai intelept decat mine, daca vrei sa dovedesti aceasta, atunci determina-ma, doar prin puterea mintii si a cuvantului tau, sa ies din aceasta camera", a spus el si apoi s-a instalat si mai bine intre perne.
Surpriza a fost mare, nu numai pentru Providius, dar si pentru batranii prezenti.
Indiferent de varsta sau de experienta lor, cu totii si-au spus in barbi ca Atreides este, evident, castigatorul, care isi va pastra titlul de cel mai intelept om din lume, pentru ca nu are altceva de facut decat sa stea intre perne, indiferent ce ii va spune Providius.
Cu toate astea, Providius nu s-a dat batut.
A stat multa vreme pe ganduri, dupa care i-a spus lui Atreides:
"Sub nici o forma nu voi putea sa te determin sa iesi din aceasta incapere, doar prin puterea mintii mele.
Totusi, daca ai fi dispus sa accepti propunerea mea, cred ca stiu un mod de a te determina sa intri in aceasta incapere.
Incitat, Atreides a acceptat provocarea si a iesit in curte, asteptand sa vada ce va face Providius pentru a-l determina sa intre inapoi.
Gurile rele spun ca in clipa imediat urmatoare, cand a inteles ce s-a intamplat, lui Atreides i s-au muiat picioarele si a inceput sa respire neregulat.
"Am castigat, Atreides, a spus Providius, pentru ca mi-ai cerut ca prin puterea mintii mele sa te fac sa iesi din incapere, iar acum, asa cum poate vedea oricine, te afli afara".
12:12 AM | Labels: Out of the box | 1 Comments
I am here to stay!
I have just realized that I was getting it all wrong - a blog is not only for writing when you have nothing else to do, or you are bored - because it won't be quality time spent. If this is the reason to write then I'd better stop blogging and start reading a book, learning something new. In a blog you should have everything you consider important: thoughts, ideas, creations, feelings, emotions, pictures, portraits, stories, novels... A few time ago I considered writing blogs a total waste of time - not from the commercial point of view...which is good for companies' marketing - but from the personal side - I couldn't understand why people would like to waste their time writing stuff that will not bring them money. I begun writing because it is fashionable to have a blog, all you can hear on your right or on your left is this - my friends have blogs and albums on their websites, so why shouldn't have I. Even the title I chose states it. But now, changing my perspective, and, as a blogger myself, I can see from a different angle, better understand the blog language and why I have really started this blog - It is not everything about money! I don't know yet where it will lead me, but I am here to stay!
8:04 PM | Labels: Personal | 1 Comments
Funky Tuesdays!
Our first Funky Tuesday was last week: it was the Funky Hats Day! we all wore a special hat that reminded us of something or that was special to us, and which we liked very much. Hats from all over the world were present, and colleagues from other departments joined us. It was fun going funky, as it was not quite a normal day; it was a special day, and, of course, doing someting together is very nice.

As the first funky day was a total success, this week we decided to have the Funky Ties Day. We all brought out ties from the closet, and tried to tie the day in the memory lane. Of course some were more tied down to the desks than others, tied in several meetings. To make the day more interesting, we set a goal: the best funky tie wins, but in the end we all reached the tie. Again, it was fun, of course!
Looking forward for the next Funky Day! I am giving you a hint: matching colours :)
Funky days do make the days more special!
11:03 PM | Labels: Fun | 0 Comments
Prospects of the future!

In 7 years from now, I have just landed. The flight was too long. This last business trip was so tiring.....I have to get a vacation! I am so glad my husband is waiting for me. He is very busy these days with his projects, but I wouldn't have liked taking a cab. Can't wait to get home, to my children; they will be so happy with what I bought them. I will tell my darling to take a cruise with me this summer - just the two of us; we can leave the kids with my parents...the Nothern sea looks very promissing, with it's warm-chilly breeze....oh' there he is! Hi, darling!
In 15 years from now, I am at the pool. I really enjoy swimming after two hours of playing tennis - is my way of relaxation. In one month from now I have to be in Hong Kong - I hop

In 28 years from now, I am in the mountains. My kids are mocking me - they say I don't know how to ski anymore :)))) My son won the gold medal in the Winter Olimpics last year, and now he thinks he's the maestro...hahaha..I can still show him a few moves. My husband went to buy some hot wine - hmmm so good in this cold snowy day. My daughter is following her father's steps - she will leave for Cape Town to shoot her first movie. Working with WWF is keeping me busy - they want me to write a study about how the Nature changed in the last two centuries.

In 51 years from now, I am surrounded by grand-grand-children! My grand-daughter had 2 and now she is expecting the 3rd one in two weeks. I don't understand why they wanted to keep the mystery, and not find out what the child is. Imature parents! hehehe My son and his wife didn't had any child of their own - they said they didn't had time for one with such busy lifes, but now they are thinking of adopting one. My husband is very happy as he has so many inheritors - of his genes of course, my dear reader I hope you weren't thinking about money
 more predictions for free....I do have to buy food you know...come on...don't be sad... the future is now, in your hands...try living it! you will also have something to write about!
PS: don't forget to give me the link! hihihi...
2:08 PM | Labels: Fun, Out of the box, Personal | 1 Comments
Ant's Pants - The beginning
Usually in the Aussie slang, ant's pants means someone or something considered the ultimate in style, novelty or cleverness. Well...what can I decide! ...why did I choose this name?...for those who know me you have a hint, for the rest... I invite you to discover it :) It is my first blog ever, I don't know if I will stick with it or not, but I have decided to write it after reading parts of my friend's one, saying: "somehow I realized again and again why we started this blog. Because we want to have something to remember by especially when we're getting old (we are...aren't we?) and also to share the stories to our future children. Cute huh? too cute and too...naive? hihihi" it goes!
11:18 PM | | 0 Comments